going to Architecture school?

FAQ: Jawapan selalu orang nak tau
Interview 1: UKM,UTM
Interview 3: Interview question
Part 1: preparation
Part 2: First sem studio
Part 3: Manual guide to buy archi PC desktop
Part 4: Studio sem 5


Tolong Isi Tabung Saya :)

Friday, May 21, 2010


Tributed to my self and those who are interested in architecture. Sources: iluvislam.com by chy mlm

1 the alarm clock tells you when to go to sleep

2 you're not ashamed of drooling in class anymore, especially in the Structures lecture

3 you know what Super glue tastes like

4 you CELEBRATE space and OBSERVE your birthday

5 coffee and cokes are tools, not treats

6 people get nauseous just by smelling your caffeine breath

7 you get surprised when you see a new building in your school

8 you think it's possible to CREATE space

9 you've slept more than 20 hours non-stop in a single weekend

10 you fight with inanimate objects

11 you've fallen asleep in the bathroom

12 your brother or sister thinks he or she is an only child

13 you've listened to all your cds in less than 48 hours

14 you're not seen in public

15 you lose your house keys for a week and you don't even notice

16 you've brushed your teeth and washed your hair in the college's bathroom

17 you've discovered the benefits of having none or very short hair. You've started to appreciate inheriting baldness

18 you've used an entire role of film to photograph the footpath

19 you know the exact time the vending machines are refilled

20 you always carry your deodorant

21 you become excellent at recycling when making models

22 when you try to communicate, you make a continuous and monotonous whine

23 you've danced YMCA with excellent choreography at 3 am and without a single drop of alcohol in your body

24 you take notes and messages with a rapidograph and colour markers

25 you combine breakfast, lunch and dinner into one single meal

26 you see holidays only as extra sleeping time

27 you've got more photographs of buildings than of actual people

28 you've taken your girlfriend (boyfriend) on a date to a construction site

29 you've realised that French curves are not that exciting

30 you can live without human contact, food or daylight, but if you can't print it's chaos

31 when you're being shown pictures of a trip, you ask what the human scale is

32 you can use Photoshop, Illustrator and make a web page, but you don't know how to use Excel

33 You refer to great architects (dead or alive) by their first name as if you knew them (Frank, Corbu, Mies, Norman)

34 you buy 50 Euro of magazines that you haven't read yet

35 when someone offers you a Bic pen, you feel offended

.... also when you realise that most of the people in
your address book can
relate to this email it's a bit worrying!!!

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